Kick the Buddy

Kick the Buddy





Kick the Buddy spins into Google Play with a blast! This ultimate stress-busting game lets you unleash your rage on Buddy, a ragdoll that can handle any attack. With its mission to alleviate stress in an engaging way, this game allows you to get rid of bottled-up frustration by wrecking, shooting, smashing, and freezing Buddy to your heart's content. Don't contain yourself, go berserk with a limitless arsenal at your disposal, from conventional weapons like rockets and automatic rifles to divine powers and nuclear bombs.


  • In Kick the Buddy, the world is your destructible oyster. You can bombard Buddy with various weapons or supernatural abilities to let out your anger.
  • The game presents a plethora of options to attack. Rockets, grenades, automatic rifles, and even a nuclear bomb; you name it, Kick the Buddy has it.
  • The interactive interface of this game provides a fully immersive experience. Not only can you destroy and smash, but you can also interact with Buddy in numerous ways.
  • Despite the mayhem, the game is surprisingly relaxing. Engaging with Buddy keeps you distracted, serving as an effective stress cutter.

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