Introduction Origin Story is an intriguing, thrilling mobile game, developed for those who love the adrenaline from classic survival situations. The player takes on the persona of an anonymous sausage run child taken hostage during a school trip to a mysteriously bizarre amusement park named 'Odd World'. The ensuing terror unleashes upon you as you try to survive five nerve-wracking nights in this isolated location. Your only companions are you and the eerie Rainbow Sausage Run, the shadowy figure that you need to avoid at all costs.
- Drenched in suspense and horror, each of the five nights unfurls a new challenge or mission that you must complete whilst staying clear of the Rainbow Monsters. From finding blocks and feeding monsters to fixing machines and illuminating rooms, each night is a novel test of your patience and courage.
- The Rainbow Monsters, each unique, make your survival attempts more challenging. Blue Monster and Green Monster roam around unpredictably, where the former can spot you from afar, and the latter, though blind, can sense the slightest of noises.
- You must keep the Orange Monster fed to prevent it from leaving its territory. Their movement is marked by an orange line, giving you ample time to seek shelter.
- Last, but not least, is Purple Monster, whom you can safely pass by until you notice its eyes and hands creeping out from the vents.