Embark on a thrilling journey of survival in a post-apocalyptic world with Undawn, a free-to-play open-world survival RPG developed by LightSpeed Studios and published by Level Infinite. Four years after a worldwide disaster, you emerge as a survivor in a world teeming with hordes of the infected, where civilization has crumbled and survival is the only goal. Undawn combines competitive PvP and cooperative PvE modes that pit players against dual threats – the infected and other humans. The choice is yours: become an enduring lone wolf exploring the ruins of society, or step up as a group leader in this survival saga.
- Survival is the core of the game where players need to manage their food, health, hydration, and even mood indicators as they adapt to changing environmental conditions. The expansive world of Undawn offers distinct terrains to explore, each with unique ecosystems and immersive weather systems.
- Customization is a big part of Undawn with players given the freedom to personalize their character’s appearance, outfits, equip armor, and even trade weapons and resources with other players.
- Rebuilding the civilization is a challenging aspect of the game where players can construct their base of operations, set their defense tactics, and form alliances to keep their settlements safe.
- A wide variety of game modes and activities adds variety such as partaking in a Grand Prix race, engaging in combats inside a futuristic mech, or composing and playing your own music in Band mode.