Sesame Street Mecha Builders is an ingenious preschool app based on the CGI-animated spin-off of Sesame Street, that allows the kiddos to join the adventure of their favorite characters like Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby Cadabby who are reimagined as robot heroes-in-training. This engaging game brilliantly incorporates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) challenges to not only entertain but also educate and inspire children aged 2 to 6. This app not merely provides superhero-powered excitement but also nurtures the children's curiosity, creativity, and imagination.
- The game provides STEM-based challenges where the kids have to use the special powers of the characters to navigate and solve challenges. This enables the little ones to explore STEM through interactive games and activities.
- Placing strong emphasis on creativity, this app offers a variety of activities that encourage kids to draw, paint, and explore colors. More features and opportunities for creative expression through music and arts are continually added.
- The concept of open play is promoted in this app, allowing kids to freely create, experiment, and discover at their own pace. It fosters a deep sense of wonder and ignites a love for learning.
- More than just STEM-based learning, this app also aims to cultivate vital life skills. It provides opportunities for children to develop resilience, persistence, and self-expression.